TAP airlines carried a total of 15.8 million passengers in 2018

Absolute growth was 1.5 million passengers more than in 2017. Routes in Europe (except Portugal) accounted for almost 10 million passengers, 932,000 more than in the previous year. The average load factor was 81 percent. Passengers between the Portuguese mainland cities surpassed for the first time the one million mark. Passengers to the Azores and Madeira were 156 thousand more, an increase of 13.5 percent over the previous year. African routes grew 11.3 percent, the North American ones 9.6 percent and Brazil had an increase of 7.8 percent.

TAP carried a total of 15.8 million passengers in 2018, registering a growth of 10.4 percent over the previous year, well above the growth averages of airlines in Europe and globally.

The routes that contributed more to this significant growth were the European ones (excluding Portugal), in which TAP transported 932 thousand passengers more than in 2017, equivalent to over 10.7 percent.

On flights between Lisbon, Porto and Faro, TAP transported for the first time more than one million passengers, reaching 1.1 million, which represents a growth of 9.4 percent over the previous year.

The flights between the mainland and the Azores and Madeira recorded the highest relative growth of 13.5 percent, totaling 1.3 million passengers, 156 thousand more than in the previous year.

The African routes operated by TAP had a considerable increase in the number of passengers, with 116 thousand more than in 2017, for a total of 1.1 million passengers, this represents an increase of 11.3 percent.

TAP’s major bet and investment in the North American market was reflected in the 9.6 percent increase in the number of passengers transported, which increased by 70 thousand when compared to 2017, for a total of 800 thousand.

The routes in Brazil continue to be decisive for TAP and also saw a strong increase in the number of passengers transported over the past year.

In total, TAP transported between Portugal and Brazil, to and from the 11 cities where it operates in this country, 1.7 million passengers, 124 thousand more, or 7.8 percent more, than in 2017.

As for the main indicators used in the air transport industry, in terms of ASK (available seat kilometers, a measure of available seats), TAP had, in 2018, a 12.3 percent growth, for a total of 47 million.

The RPK (Revenue Passenger Kilometers, a measure for seat demand) increased by 9,6 percent to a total of 38 million.

Both indicators show that the TAP growth is well above the industry growth averages at European and global level.

With an increase in supply (ASK) 2.7 percentage points higher than the increase in demand (RPK), the Load Factor was 81 percent, two percentage points less than in 2017, placing TAP’s occupancy rate at levels similar to the average of other European companies (81.7 percent) and above the world average which, in 2018, was close to 80 percent (publicly released data by IATA relating to the cumulative until November, 2018).