Europe’s most successful B2B luxury travel show opens new site in Prague from June 2th-5th, 2019.
The loop concept has proven itself over the years as a consistent value proposition for carefully determined markets. It stands for a quality format that has set new standards within the German-speaking markets (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) for many years and is now raising the standard further with loop Prague as the leading platform to cover the most attractive Central & Eastern European markets. loop Prague’s focus is bringing together the finest buyers from 15 Central & Eastern European (CEE) countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia together with highly qualified buyers and carefully chosen international exhibitors within one most elegant venue according to the sleep & meet concept resulting in a networking experience like no other.
loop Prague is a boutique-sized, invitation only show with everyone staying within the same property. Three days with 62 set appointments and numerous networking opportunities during breaks and evening events.
While on the radar from a continuously increasing number of properties, experience operators and destination specialists around the globe, many are not fully aware that these countries represent the fastest growing market for luxury travel within Europe. They already generate significantly more luxury business than all of Russia combined.
About loop: Over the past six years, the B2B trade fair has established itself as the largest, most unique and important luxury trade fair in the German speaking market. loop revolutionizes and emotionalizes sales and gives the people behind it a platform to enrich their network in just three days so that they can benefit from it all year round. Unlike usual travel trade shows, loop is not some standalone event. It is a most successful, one-stop platform and community that enables you to connect with only the finest, high-end travel designers, tour operators and media in order to fully cover the attractive German-speaking and/or the Central & Eastern European markets.
It has developed into a pro-active community that offers you numerous opportunities, key market events as well as services to connect with the finest buyers and media of your choice throughout the year. Whether you wish to follow-up your participation in one of the loop shows with a dedicated action targeting the finest buyers from a specific region and/or strengthen your presence in another region through a specific service, there are absolutely no limits. All is possible throughout the year at the pace and budget of your choice. Each loop is accompanied by two vibrant evening events.
Find out more at
Olvassa a Jet Set magazint!
A Jet Set golf és luxuséletmód magazin sikere, immár egy évtizede, több okkal magyarázható: gazdag tartalommal ellátott, s ingyenesen terjesztett digitális kiadvány! A golfozás, az utazás, a luxus élet, a bor- és a gasztronómia népszerűsítését szolgáljuk, s ez találkozik az olvasók igényeivel. Magazinunkat azért adjuk ingyen, hogy minél több emberhez eljuthassanak a hírek, érdekességek, költségeinket a hirdető cégek fedezik. Mivel ez a koncepció jól bevált, s régóta működik, bízunk benne, hogy még sokáig szolgálhatjuk a luxusélet híveit, akár a digitálisan lapozható magazinunk lapszámaival, akár az internetes honlapunkkal, amelyen lehetőségünk nyílik friss híreket közölni, lépést tartani a mindennapokkal. Speciális kiadásokkal is jelentkezünk alkalmanként, ezeket a fő menüsorban található Különszámok című rovatunkban tekinthetik meg, s a jövőben is tervezzük hasonlóan izgalmas tematikájú egyedi kiadványok publikálását. A Jet Set magazin lapszámainak digitális linkjét a facebook segítségével alkalmanként 10 ezer embernek küldjük ki.